I personally find pantaloons to be a descriptive term - I would anticipate it to be used when someone finds a post they like and sees the list of tags and wants to find more similar images. However I would say that it has about a 75% correlation with lolita_fashion - which is usually my starting point for these types of searches. It also has some overlap with maid.

As for maintenance - yeah call it a fetish if you want :) But I do search for images with that feature quite frequently - consider it the "safe" version of pantsu if you will - so I'd be willing to maintain.

As for safe vs. questionable - what is the guideline? I was going by "not safe for work" sort of idea. In my mind (and if I'm in the minority I'll gladly conform). A great example - anything tagged pantsu is not "safe" - along with some other terms, but that's the biggest one I saw. Pantsu rating:s should return nothing. Another example with fewer offenders: nipples rating:s should return nothing.

If they agree, can the admins can globally change this? It would be helpful when I'm at work and want to pull up something to show someone.