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Jun 03 2013, 00:27 WtfCakes note てんまそ Tenmaso VISION...: body: てんまそ Tenmaso VISION DIVINE VISION DIVINE 今日、このコメントを書いてる3月上旬、雪が降っています。「今日は雨か一」と朝イチでいつもの耳鼻科へタクシーで乗りつけ、終わって外へ出てみたら世界は白くなっていました。昨夏は記録的な猛暑で今冬はもう何度目かの白い都会。この世の終わりが近づいているのでしょうか。さもなくば全部幻影で、僕が終わろうとしているのでしょうか。どちらにせよ、終わってしまうならせめてあれだけはやりたい、なんてものも沢山ありますけれど。やっぱリ終わってしまった後を見たいと、一番に思うわけでして。死んだら天国だとか地獄だとかに召されるなんて酷い話ですよね。せっかく曰本に生まれたんだからずっと1万年くらい曰本で日の出を眺め続けるなんて選択肢があったっていいと思うんですよね。そんなことを考えながら塗ってましたなんてコメントをしようと、塗り終えてから考えたリするこの世の摂理はいとをかし。ちなみに1stアルバムは大好きです。 As I write this comment today, it is the early March and it is snowing outside. ‘Rain today...' I thought as I took a taxi to see the otorhinologist, but when I went outside afterwards I found that the world had been turned white. Last summer saw record-breaking temperatures but this winter it has snowed several times, even here in the city. Is this the coming of the end of the world? Or is it all an illusion and I am approaching my end? Whichever it may be, there are lots of things that I would like to do before it ends. The thing I would most like to do is see what the world looks like after it is over. They say that we go to Heaven or Hell after death, but who wants that? I was born in Japan so I think it is only fair that I should be allowed to choose to watch the sun rise over Japan for about another 10,000 years. This is what I was thinking while I was painting—that is what I was going to give as my comment and I only thought of this after I had finished. How strange is providence in this world. By the way, I love their first album., height:150, width:150, x:225, y:304
Apr 14 2012, 11:56 VorpalNeko +sword
Mar 27 2012, 16:56 bakaneko +wings
Mar 27 2012, 16:00 van rating:s←q
Mar 27 2012, 08:39 yong +tenmaso -tagme
Mar 27 2012, 03:31 fireattack rating:q, +tagme