Date User Change
Jun 21 2013, 23:08 WtfCakes note ななろば華 nanaroba hana: body changed from ななろば華 nanaroba hana to ななろば華 Nanaroba Hana 何処でだって、あたしロリータ! Doko de datte, atashi rorita! (No Matter Where I Am, I Remain a Lolita!) 様々な日本らしいシーンを思案いたしましたが、自分の経験とリンクさせる事が一番自然に描けるのではと思い、今回の絵となりました。 「ロリータ服」に近いお洋服をまとった少女を日頃から好んで描いておりますが、今回は思いきリ現実に引き寄せて「田舍でロリータファッションを貫く少女のワンシーン」を表現してみました。 私自身新潟の田舎で成人まで過ごしており、10代の頃ロリータファッションを好んでいた時期なんてまさにこんな感じ。家で武装をし、田舎から町の中心部に皆で集まったものです。ロリータ服で田舎道を闊歩する事はなかなか情熱が必要でした。 今も田舎でこのような光景が存在するのかは分かりませんが、私が経験した風景を1人でも多くの方に「あるある!」「見た見た!」と共感して頂けたリ、楽しんで頂けたら幸いです。 最後に。このような素晴らしい場にお呼び頂き、あリがとうございました! I initially considered various different Japanese scenes, but I thought the most natural thing would be to draw something that was linked to my own experiences and this was the result. I enjoy drawing pictures of girls wearing Western clothes that are almost 'Lolita costumes', and this time I thought that I would do something a bit more realistic and create ‘a scene of a young girl who persists in wearing Lolita fashions in a rural area'. Until I grew up I lived in the countryside of Niigata Prefecture and there was a period during my teens when I liked Lolita fashion, just like the figure in this picture. I dressed up at home then set off to the centre of the local town where I would get together with my friends. It requires a great deal of enthusiasm to walk through the country dressed in Lolita clothes. I do not know if this kind of scene can still be witnessed in the countryside today, but I have depicted an image from my youth in the hope that people will think, ‘I did that!’, ‘I’ve seen that!’, sharing my experience and getting enjoyment from it. In closing I would like to thank the organizers for giving me the opportunity to participate in this event.
Jun 11 2013, 08:45 note ななろば華 nanaroba hana: body: ななろば華 nanaroba hana, height:150, width:150, x:238, y:283
May 29 2013, 03:04 bakaneko +bloomers
May 25 2013, 19:55 van +lolita_fashion
May 24 2013, 08:17 fireattack +nanaroba_hana -tagme
May 24 2013, 06:56 WtfCakes rating:s, +tagme