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May 31 2013, 07:17 WtfCakes note みけおう MIKEOU 春色巫女舞 H...: body: みけおう MIKEOU 春色巫女舞 Haruiro miko mai (Dance of the Shrine Maiden in Spring Scenery) この度は大変貴重な機会にお呼び頂きましてあリがとうこ'ざいます。みけおうです。 前回の100人展で夕暮れ時の巫女さんを描かせて頂いたのですが、やっぱリ巫女さんが好き!という事で少しテーマや方向性を変えつつ描かせて頂きました。 桜の舞う季節、水の上で神楽を舞う巫女さんが居たらフアンタジックで素敵かなと思います。今はお正月時に神社で見かける程度ですが、もっと色々なお祭りや身近な機会に巫女さんが活躍してくれるいいのにな〜と思ったり…。 これからも巫女さんをいっぱい描いていきたいと思います。少しでも気に入って頂ければ幸いです。どうもありがとうございました。 I would like to express my gratitude for being offered this valuable opportunity. My name is MIKEOU. When I participated in the ‘Eshi 100 - Contemporary Japanese Illustration’ exhibition last year, I drew a shrine maiden at sunset, but then I really like shrine maidens! For that reason I have used the same subject, although changing the theme and orientation somewhat. I thought it would be fantastic and cute if a shrine maiden were to perform a holy dance on water while the cherry blossom falls around her. Today, we only see shrine maidens during the new year festivities but wouldn’t it be great if we were able to have more opportunities to see their activities at various festivals, or in the neighborhood, etc... I plan to draw many more shrine maidens in the future. I will be happy if you like this work even a little bit. Thank you very much. , height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 29 2013, 13:14 donicila +miko -tagme
May 29 2013, 04:59 StardustKnight +mikeou
May 29 2013, 04:56 WtfCakes rating:s, +tagme