Date User Change
Jun 10 2013, 06:21 Kalessin +seifuku -tagme
May 31 2013, 07:18 WtfCakes note やまかぜ嵐 Yamakaze Ran ...: body: やまかぜ嵐 Yamakaze Ran 蛍夜 Keiya (Firefly Night) 昨年に続き再び、絵師100人展が開催されたこと、そして参加できたこと、大変嬉しく思います。 今回、テ一マが日本の四季ということで、夏の夜を描きました。 自分自身は蛍を小さい頃見たきリなのですが、そんな遠い思い出とともに制作をしました。 蛍が舞う幻想的なイメージが伝われば幸いです。 I am extremely happy that the Eshi 100 exhibition is to be held for a second year running and also to be invited to take part in it. The theme this year is ‘Japan’s four seasons’,so I have created the image of a summer’s night. I personally have not seen any fireflies since I was little, but I produced this illustration based on those old memories. I hope that I have succeeded in creating a fantastic image of fireflies swarming in the night sky. , height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 30 2013, 02:05 WtfCakes +yamakaze_ran
May 29 2013, 04:59 WtfCakes rating:s, +tagme