
« Previous Next » This post is #205 in the Eshi 100-Nin Ten 02 pool.

Yamakaze Ran

Keiya (Firefly Night)


I am extremely happy that the Eshi 100 exhibition is to be held for a second year running and also to be invited to take part in it.
The theme this year is ‘Japan’s four seasons’,so I have created the image of a summer’s night.
I personally have not seen any fireflies since I was little, but I produced this illustration based on those old memories.
I hope that I have succeeded in creating a fantastic image of fireflies swarming in the night sky.
seifuku yamakaze_ran

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I think the blue haired girl's hand is extending kinda too much... maybe there's strong wind blowing and she is helping her friend's skirt to stay in place? uhmmm.
Marona762 said:
I think the blue haired girl's hand is extending kinda too much... maybe there's strong wind blowing and she is helping her friend's skirt to stay in place? uhmmm.
It's her fingers, which are unusually long.