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May 31 2013, 05:57 WtfCakes note カスカべアキラ Akira Caskab...: body: カスカべアキラ Akira Caskabe Magical KIMONO girls Magical KIMONO girls 昨年に引き続き、多くの方々のお目に触れる機会をいただき、大変光栄に思います。 日本の四季はどれも魅力的で、題材を一つの季節に絞ることができなかったので、思い切ってすべて詰め込みました。四季の動植物がとび出す着物を着ながら踊るのは、楽しそうだけどちょっと大変かもしれません…! I feel very honored to have been given this opportunity to have my work viewed by large numbers of people again this year. All the Japanese seasons are attractive and I found it impossible to limit myself to just one of them for the subject of this work so I included them all! It must be great fun to be able to dance in a magical kimono from which plants and animals spill out, but it is must also be a little difficult...!, height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 30 2013, 02:04 fireattack +yukata -kimono
May 29 2013, 12:58 donicila +kimono -tagme
May 29 2013, 08:15 milumon +kasukabe_akira
May 29 2013, 06:42 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme