Date User Change
Jun 07 2013, 18:30 tosaka +sca-ji -sca-di
Jun 07 2013, 18:28 tosaka +sca-di -sca-ji
Jun 07 2013, 06:21 VorpalNeko -nipples
Jun 07 2013, 06:19 VorpalNeko rating:q←s, -tagme
Jun 07 2013, 06:11 Marcmad +breasts +nipples +no_bra +nopan +undressing +yukata
May 31 2013, 06:03 WtfCakes note すかぢ SCA-DI 紅と蒼 Beni...: body: すかぢ SCA-DI 紅と蒼 Beni to ao (Red and Blue) 京都大徳寺の竹林を歩いていて、ふと、もみじと竹林の強いコン卜ラス卜がある作品を描いてみたいと思いました。ですので本来ならばこの作品は『紅と碧』となるはずです。つまりもみじの「紅」と竹林の「碧」を主題とした作品です。 ですが実際描いてみると、蒼髪ともみじの紅だけで、かなリ画面が派手になリ、2色のコン卜ラストではないものとなつてしまいました。 仕方なく竹林は諦めて、蒼髪の少女ともみじを主題とした『紅と蒼』としました。 裸婦以外の立体感をなるべく殺し、影等も最小限にとどめ、色のみが浮き立つ様な手法を心がけましたが、言うは易し、行うは難し、なかなか思い通りにはならない様です。 I was walking through a bamboo grove at Daitokuji in Kyoto when I thought of producing a work that stressed the strong contrast between a maple and the bamboo. Therefore, this picture should really have been entitled, 'Red and Green’,in other words, the subject is the ‘red’ of the maple leaves and the 'green' of the bamboo. However, when I came to draw it, I found that just the blue-black of the girl’s hair and the red of the maple leaves created a sufficiently flamboyant effect, so I did not use the contrast of the two colors after all. As a result I gave up on the bamboo and just used the blue-black of the girl’s hair and maple leaves, giving it the title ‘Red and Blue’. I only applied a sense of depth to the figure of the naked girl, using minimal shading and relying on color alone to make her stand out. This is easy to say but difficult to do and I found it very hard to get the desired result. , height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 29 2013, 14:14 milumon +sca-ji
May 29 2013, 06:51 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme