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Jun 03 2013, 00:24 WtfCakes note 雨音颯 AMANESOH 桜 …淡い想...: body: 雨音颯 AMANESOH 桜 …淡い想い… Sakura…Awai omoi." (Cherry Blossom...Fleeting Emotion...) 四季の中でもっとも美しい季節『春』。 _瞬の美しさと、はかなく散ってしまう桜の中にあの頃の少女を描いてみました。 淡い色彩の桜に彩られる少女は、さながら初恋を感じさせるものではないでしょぅか? 見てくださった皆様の心の奥にしまってある「大切な想い」に少しでも触れられたら幸いです…。 Of all the seasons, spring is the most beautiful. I have depicted a young girl in this season amidst the transient beauty of the cherry blossom that falls all too soon from the trees. I believe that the pale tones of the cherry blossom that color the girl evoke an impression of first love. I will be delighted if all of you who see this are reminded of the 'special memories’ that you keep locked in your hearts., height:150, width:150, x:416, y:405
Jun 03 2013, 00:09 WtfCakes +amane_sou -possible_duplicate -tagme
Jun 02 2013, 23:48 WtfCakes rating:s, +tagme +possible_duplicate