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255959 2963.3 江草天仁 Takahito Exa 春夏秋冬、晴れ Shunkashuto - hare (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter — Sunny) 私の育った長野県では四季がとても顕著に現れ、それぞれの季節の美しさを強く感じることができました。 春の雪解け後の野花、夏の湖や花、木々の緑、秋の山に広がる紅葉、冬の降り積もった雪と青い空。 記憶の中にある、晴れの曰の輝く四季を4人の女神に見立て描かせていただきました。 In Nagano Prefecture, where I was brought up, the four season are clearly defined, and it is possible to be strongly moved by the beauty that each of them possess. In spring there are the wild flowers that appear after the melting of the snow, in summer there is the view of the lake, the flowers and greenery, in fall the changing color of the leaves turn the mountains red, while in winter there is snow and blue skies. I have chosen to depict my memories of sunny days during each, representing them by the four goddesses of the seasons. Rosegrace 10/28/13 Revert
255959 2963.2 江草天仁 Takahito Exa 春夏秋冬、晴れ Shunkashuto - hare (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter — Sunny) 私の育った長野県では四季がとても顕著に現れ、それぞれの季節の美しさを強く感じることができました。 春の雪解け後の野花、夏の湖や花、木々の緑、秋の山に広がる紅葉、冬の降り積もった雪と青い空。 記憶の中にある、晴れの曰の輝く四季を4人の女神に見立て描かせていただきました。 In Nagano Prefecture, where I was brought up, the four season are clearly defined, and it is possible to be strongly moved by the beauty that each of them possess. In spring there are the wild flowers that appear after the melting of the snow, in summer there is the view of the lake, the flowers and greenery, in fall the changing color of the leaves turn the mountains red, while in winter there is snow and blue skies. I have chosen to depict my memories of sunny days during each, representing them by the four goddesses of the seasons. 丶邪君 06/07/13 Revert
255959 2963.1 江草天仁 Takahito Exa 春夏秋冬、晴れ Shunkashuto - hare (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter — Sunny) 私の育った長野県では四季がとても顕著に現れ、それぞれの季節の美しさを強く感じることができました。 春の雪解け後の野花、夏の湖や花、木々の緑、秋の山に広がる紅葉、冬の降り積もった雪と青い空。 記憶の中にある、晴れの曰の輝く四季を4人の女神に見立て描かせていただきました。 In Nagano Prefecture, where I was brought up, the four season are clearly defined, and it is possible to be strongly moved by the beauty that each of them possess. In spring there are the wild flowers that appear after the melting of the snow, in summer there is the view of the lake, the flowers and greenery, in fall the changing color of the leaves turn the mountains red, while in winter there is snow and blue skies. I have chosen to depict my memories of sunny days during each, representing them by the four goddesses of the seasons. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert