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255961 2965.1 大石竜子 Ryuko Ooishi ころもがえ少女 Koromogae shojo (A Young Girl's Seasonal Clothes) 四季がはっきリしている日本では季節に合わせたファッションも多様です。日本の四季の女神様をミニキャラ化しました。 ちょっと背伸びしたい少女の大人への憧れが女神様に姿を変えて様々な洋服をおすすめしています。 In Japan, where the four seasons are clearly defined, there are distinct fashions for each season. I depicted the goddesses of the seasons as mini-characters. The young, growing girl is just beginning to feel the attraction of the adult world and the goddesses are offering her various different clothes to wear. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert