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255964 2968.3 才ダワラハコネ HAKONE ODAWARA はるこなつこあきこふゆこ Haruko Natsuko Akiko Fuyuko (Ms. Spring, Ms. Summer, Ms. Autumn, Ms. Winter) 去年に引き続き、お招き頂き有難うございました。 オダワラハコネと申します。 テ一マが「日本の四季」という事で、たぶん同ネタ多数だとは思うのですが、四季の擬人化にしてみました。 「絵師100人展02」が開催になっている頃ははるこさんの独壇場だと思うのですが、これを描いている今は、ふゆこさんが猛威を奮っておリます。 とても寒いです。 Thank you for inviting me to participate this year as well as last year. My name is HAKONE ODAWARA. The theme is ‘the four seasons’ and although I am sure that many other artists have probably have used the same idea, I decided to anthropomorphize these as four girls. When the ‘Eshi 100 Exhibition 02’ takes place, I think that Haruko (Ms. spring) will be reigning supreme, but as I draw this, Fuyuko (Ms. winter) is on the rampage. It is freezing cold. karinyukari 06/02/18 Revert
255964 2968.2 才ダワラハコネ HAKONE ODAWARA はるこなつこあきこふゆこ Haruko Natsuko Akiko Fuyuko (Ms. Spring, Ms. Summer, Ms. Autumn, Ms. Winter) 去年に引き続き、お招き頂き有難うございました。 オダワラハコネと申します。 テ一マが「日本の四季」という事で、たぶん同ネタ多数だとは思うのですが、四季の擬人化にしてみました。 「絵師100人展02」が開催になっている頃ははるこさんの独壇場だと思うのですが、これを描いている今は、ふゆこさんが猛威を奮っておリます。 とても寒いです。 Thank you for inviting me to participate this year as well as last year. My name is HAKONE ODAWARA. The theme is ‘the four seasons’ and although I am sure that many other artists have probably have used the same idea, I decided to anthropomorphize these as four girls. When the ‘Eshi 100 Exhibition 02’ takes place, I think that Haruko (Ms. spring) will be reigning supreme, but as I draw this, Fuyuko (Ms. winter) is on the rampage. It is freezing cold karinyukari 06/02/18 Revert
255964 2968.1 才ダワラハコネ HAKONE ODAWARA はるこなつこあきこふゆこ Haruko Natsuko Akiko Fuyuko (Ms. Spring, Ms. Summer, Ms. Autumn, Ms. Winter) 去年に引き続き、お招き頂き有難うございました。 オダワラハコネと申します。 テ一マが「日本の四季」という事で、たぶん同ネタ多数だとは思うのですが、四季の擬人化にしてみました。 「絵師100人展02」が開催になっている頃ははるこさんの独壇場だと思うのですが、これを描いている今は、ふゆこさんが猛威を奮っておリます。 とても寒いです。 Thank you for inviting me to participate this year as well as last year. My name is HAKONE ODAWARA. The theme is ‘the four seasons’ and although I am sure that many other artists have probably have used the same idea, I decided to anthropomorphize these as four girls. When the ‘Eshi 100 Exhibition 02’ takes place, I think that Haruko (Ms. spring) will be reigning supreme, but as I draw this, Fuyuko (Ms. winter) is on the rampage. It is freezing cold. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert