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255888 2980.1 きみづか葵 AOI KIMIZUKA 紅葉の錦神のまにまに Koyo no nishiki, kami no manimani (Maple-leaf Brocade — At the Mercy of the Gods) タイ卜ルは菅原道真の句の中からこの絵のイメージとして弓丨用させて頂きま した。 自分は京都出身ですが、京都が最も美しいのは秋という事で今回のテーマとしました。実際は京都でも:!匕の高雄の渓谷のようになりましたが。 錦を織リ成したようと言われるような紅葉の衣に、降リ注ぐ楓の葉が重なるようなイメージを情景にしたいと思い、やや過剰なほどに着物の裾を広げて紅葉を受け止める様な構図になりました。 この紅葉をささげ、願いを神の御心のままにと詠った道真公の句には及ばないかも知れませんが、皆様の心に少しでも残れば幸いです。 この度も参加させて頂きましてありがとうございました。 The title of this work comes from a poem by SUGAWARA-no-Michizane (845-903) and that is what I based this work on. I come from Kyoto where the most beautiful season is autumn so I used this for my theme this year. The finished result resembles the valley of Takao which lies to the north of Kyoto. I wanted to create an image in which the motif of maple leaves woven into the brocade appears to overlap with the real leaves that are falling from the trees. In order to achieve this, I exaggerated the spread of the hem of the kimono so it would catch as many of the leaves as possible. My offering of maple leaves may not equal Michizane’s poem of supplication to the gods, but I hope that it will remain in the hearts of everybody who sees it. Thank you very much for inviting me to take part in this event again. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert