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255972 2983.1 椋本夏夜 Kaya Kuramoto 巡り来る Meauri kuru (The Revolving Seasons) 春が来て夏が来て秋が来て冬が来てまた春が来る。 だんだんと移り変わって、でもまたもう一度。何度でも。 思えば四季とは不思議なものですね。 さんざん迷いましたが、あえて季節を特定せず、「巡ること」をテーマに描き始めました。 塗ってるうちに春待ちっぽくなってしまったのは寒い時期に描いたから…ということが大きかったかも。 今年は、特に春が待ち遠しく感じました。 First there’s spring, then summer, then autumn, then winter, then spring again. The seasons keep changing, only to begin again. Repeatedly. When you think about it, the seasons are quite strange. I spent ages thinking about what to draw but in the end I did not choose a particular season, instead I used the theme of cycle of the seasons. As I was working on this, I realized that it seemed to be anticipating spring and the main reason for this is probably because it was still cold at that time. This year in I was particularly looking forward to spring. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert