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255973 2985.1 くわだゆラき Kuwada Yuki 雨道 Amamichi (Rainy Road) 子供の頃に、学校の帰り道などで見ていた様な梅雨の風景を思い浮かべながら描かせて頂きました。 雨や湿気など大人には嫌われがちな梅雨ですが、傘を差して歩いてみると、その時期にしか出会えない物が色々あったリします。 この絵を通して、梅雨の時期に傘を差して外を歩いてみたくなつたりしてもらえれば良いなと思っています。 I drew this illustration based on my memories of coming home from school during the rainy season when I was a child. Adults tend to dislike the rain and humidity of the rainy season but if you put up an umbrella and go for a walk, you will be able to see all sorts of things that you will never come across at any other time. I hope that after seeing this picture you will want to take an umbrella and go for a walk during the rainy season. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert