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255980 2998.1 笛弘 SASAHIRO 十五夜ノ兎 Jugoya no usagi (The Hare of the Harvest Moon) 月とウサギにまつわる話はいくつかあリますが、私は「お月さまに行ったウサギ」が好きです。 ウサギは人間に生まれ変われなかったけれど、きっと月で幸せに暮らしていると思います。 今回の絵は"神様のきまぐれで少しだけ人間の姿にしてもらったウサギが十五夜を楽しんでいる"というイメージで描きました。 There are lots of Japanese folk tales concerning the moon and a hare but my favorite is The Hare that Traveled to the Moon,. The hare did not turn into a human, but I think that it lived happily ever after on the moon. The image depicted in this picture is of, 'hares, who have been turned into semi-human form at the whim of a god as they enjoy the harvest moon.’ WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert