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255896 2999.1 さより Savori 四季の華 Shiki no hana (Flowers of the Four Seasons) はじめまして、さよリと申します。 テーマが日本の季節だと聞いて、どの季節を選ぶか大変悩んでいましたが、やっぱりどれも捨てることができず、結局全部この1枚に詰めてみました。 というわけで季節の四肺妹です。左から三女、四女、長女、次女になっています。_緒に遊びたくて、誘いに来ています。 好きな季節で、好きな娘と一緒にお出かけしましよう! How do you do? My name is sayori. When I heard that the subject was to be the four seasons, I spent a long time worrying about which to choose, but in the end I could not bring myself to discard any of them so I fitted them all into a single picture. The result was the four season sisters. From left to right they are: the third youngest, the fourth youngest, the eldest and then the second eldest They have come to invite you out to play. Why don’t you go out with your favorite season, your favorite girl?! WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert