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255897 3001.3 白羽奈尾 Nao Shirahane 四季と制服 Shiki to seifuku (Four Seasons and Uniforms) 季節と共に変わる制服を見たときふっと四季を感じますね。冬になるとかすかに聞こえる春の音。 春•夏•秋•冬の制服の少女を描かせて頂きました。 When I see the school uniforms changing according to the calendar, it makes me think of the four seasons. The faint sound of spring that can be heard in winter. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, I drew the various uniforms worn by schoolgirls during the course of the year. lymusou 08/15/13 Revert
255897 3001.2 白羽奈尾 Nao Shirahane 四季と制服 Shiki to seifuku (Four Seasons and Uniforms) 季節と共に変わる制服を見たときふっと四季を感じますね。冬になるとかすかに聞こえる春の音。 春•夏•秋•冬の制服の少女を描かせて頂きました。 When I see the school uniforms changing according to the calendar, it makes me think of the four seasons. The faint sound of spring that can be heard in winter. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, I drew the various uniforms worn by schoolgirls during the course of the year. lymusou 08/14/13 Revert
255897 3001.1 白羽奈尾 Nao Shirahane 四季と制服 Shiki to seifuku (Four Seasons and Uniforms) 季節と共に変わる制服を見たときふっと四季を感じますね。冬になるとかすかに聞こえる春の音。 春•夏•秋•冬の制服の少女を描かせて頂きました。 When I see the school uniforms changing according to the calendar, it makes me think of the four seasons. The faint sound of spring that can be heard in winter. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, I drew the various uniforms worn by schoolgirls during the course of the year. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert