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255982 3002.1 しろ Siro 雪の街の夕暮れ Yuki no machi no yugure (Sunset Over a Snow-covered Town) 日本はその面積の実に1/3近くが豪雪地帯に指定されているほど雪の多い国だそうです。 私は雪国生まれではないため、あまリ実感がないのですが、冬はいつも雪が舞うか曇っているか、そんな世界なのだそうです。 ですが私がそんな世界を旅行で訪れたときは珍しく空は晴れわたり白と青のコン卜ラス卜を見せてくれました。そして夕方になるとそのどこまでも見渡せる白い雪は曰の光で美しく黄色く輝いたのです。それはとても印象に残る光景でした。 そんな輝く世界の中、帰リの小さなロ一カル電車を待っていた時の思い出を絵にしてみました。 Japan has a lot of snow in the winter, one-third of the country being designated an area of heavy snowfall. I was not born in the snow country so I do not really know, but apparently in winter it is always cloudy and snowing, it is that kind of place. However, when I visited there on a trip, it was a rare clear day, the contrast between the blue sky and the white snow was wonderful and when the sun went down in the evening, everywhere I looked, the white snow shone with a yellow light. It was a sight that made a strong impression on me. It is the memory of waiting at the station on a local train line in the midst of this shining beauty that I used as the base for this picture. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert