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255904 3024.1 西又葵 Aoi Nishimata しゅうしよくまつしま Shushoku Matsushima (Matsushima in Autumn Colors) 前回に引き続き参加させて戴くにあたり、今回のテ一マが「日本の四季」と言う事で非常に悩みました。日本の素晴らしい四季のうち、どの季節を描くか。そしてその景色をどこにするか。数々考え今回描かせていただいたのはやはリ宮城県の松島という場所でした。昨年の東日本大震災より少し前に偶然プライべ一卜で訪れていた場所であリ、大きな被害を受けた石巻、気仙沼などもその時に訪れました。その時に松島に滞在していたときに旅館の窓から眺めた素晴らしい松島の景色oまさに「日本三景」と頷きました。その素晴らしさを少しでも絵にし皆様にお届けできるよう。そしてぜひ皆様にも訪れて欲しい場所と思い描かせて頂きました。そして題材は松島の素晴らしさをより表現できる秋を選び、手前に白い菊を配置しました。白い菊は少し倭げで物悲しい印象もありますが花言葉は「誠実」「真実」です。誠実な日本。真実の日本を描けたのなら個人的にも満足です。 I was invited to participate in this event again this year, but upon being given the theme of ‘Japan’s four seasons’ to work on, I spent a long time wondering what to do. I could not make up my mind which of the wonderful four seasons Japan enjoys to use and what scenery to feature as the subject. After a lot of thought, I settled on Matsushima in Miyagi Prefecture. I happened to have been there shortly before the Great East Japan Earthquake and also visited the towns of Ishinomaki and Kesennuma that suffered such terrible damage during the disaster. While I was there I liked to look out of the window of the inn where I was staying on Matsushima and enjoy the wonderful view. It is definitely worthy of being described as one of Japan’s ‘three greatest views’. I hope that I have been able to capture even a small part of its beauty to deliver to you all. I also drew it in the hope that you might visit the area one day. For that reason I chose to depict it in the fall, when Matsushima is at its most beautiful, and I added some white chrysanthemums in the foreground. White chrysanthemums seem ephemeral and melancholy, but in the language of flowers, they stand for ‘fidelity’ and ‘truth’. If I have succeeded in depicting a faithful image of Japan, the true Japan, then I will be very happy. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert