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256005 3035.1 MATSUDA98 MATSU DA98 いつまでも絶えることなく Itsumademo taerukoto naku (Together Forever) 別れと出会いの季節、「春」を描かせていただきました。 3月までは同じ制服を着ていた彼女達は4月に別々の学校へ進み、今は別々の制服を着て別々の生活を送っています。 少しさみしいけれどそうやって環境が変わっても絶えることなく、いられたら。明日もきっと別々のところで頑張れると思うのです。 また、そんな切ない気持ちを暖かく包んでくれる春という季節がとても大好きです。 写真を撮っているもう1人も想像していただけると嬉しいです。 I have drawn a picture of spring, the season of partings and meetings. These girls, who all wore the same uniforms until March, will be going to different schools from April; they will all wear different uniforms and live different lives. It is a little sad but even though their environments change, if they can only remain unchanged, then I am sure that they will all be able to do their best from tomorrow on their own. I love spring for the way in which it envelops this sad emotion in warmth. I hope that you will try to imagine the sixth member of the group who is taking this picture. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert