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210549 3107.1 平つくね Tsukune Taira おいでやす Oideyasu (Welcome) □本には世界に誇れる数多くの文化があります。その様々な文化の中から四季と礼儀をテ一マとして取り上げました。この作品から日本らしさを感じて頂ければと思います。東曰本大震災では、どんな困難な状況におかれても礼儀を大切にする日本の国民性が改めて注目されました。日本人らしい思いやりと譲り合いの心をどんな時も忘れず;日本が日本らしく。それが今一番大切なことかもしれません。 Japan has a culture of which it can be proud. Of all the aspects of this culture, I chose a theme that represented the four seasons and good manners. I hope that this illustration appears typically Japanese to you. After the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, the victims have been forced to live in very hard conditions, but it presents us with an opportunity to realize afresh how highly the Japanese prize good manners. We should never forget the Japanese spirit of compassion and compromise, and always act like Japanese. This may well be the most important thing we can do now. WtfCakes 06/03/13 Revert