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210550 3112.1 七尾奈留 NARU NANAO 花見 Hanami (Cherry Blossom Viewing) 「日本」をテ一マにという事で、真っ先に描きたいと思ったのが「按」でした。茶屋でお茶や団子を楽しみつつ桜を眺める様子をイメージしています。曰本の春らしい雰囲気が出せるといいなぁ……と思いつつ仕上げました。 When I heard that the theme was to be ‘Japan’ I immediately wanted to draw ‘cherry blossom’. I have produced an image of a girl sitting in a teashop, enjoying tea and dumplings. As I finish it off, I hope that I have succeeded in recreating the atmosphere of a Japanese spring. WtfCakes 06/03/13 Revert