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210562 3115.1 針玉ヒロキ Hiroki Haritama 春、空ヲ駆ケノボル。 Haru,sora o kake noboru (Spring, Climbing up Into the Sky) 今回のこ'依頼を頂き引き受けさせて頂いたものの、モチーフには色々難航しました。テ一マである「日本」と言うものに対し自分が考えた以上に普段の意識が弱かった事に気付かされました。結局、普段自分が一曰、_年に「安らぐもの」、「空」と「桜」と「女の子(笑)」にしました。靈災後、正直大幅な変更も検討しましたが、絵にメッセ一ジ性を強めたり、重さが出るのを避ける事にしました。一日の、一年の心の「安らぐ」一瞬を思い出す鍵となり、貴方の「息抜き」となれば、これ以上の幸せは有りません。 I was invited to take part in this project and accepted gratefully, but I have had a lot of difficulty with this motif. The theme was ‘Japan’ and I was surprised to discover how weak my general awareness of this is. In the end I settled for the things that bring me ‘peace’ for a day or a year: ‘the sky’, ‘cherry blossom' and ‘girls’ (LOL). To be honest, after the earthquake I thought I would make some major changes to the work, but in the end I decided to avoid putting strong messages in the picture or making it too heavy. If it brings you ‘peace’ for a day or a year, if it provides the key to momentary comfort, then I will be very happy. WtfCakes 06/03/13 Revert