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255495 3194.2 かんたか Kantaka 夏の到来 NdtSU no tdrdi (The Arrival of Summer) 年をとっても、夏の暑い日に車窓から眺めるコントラス卜の強い田んぼや神社の風景。 それらを思い起こすだけで、湧き上がる夏の風物詩みたいなものを詰め込んでみました。 後から後から詰め込みたい物が増えてきたのですが、際限なくなってしまうのでこの辺で。 今でも公園でラジオ体操ってやってるんでしようか? No matter how old I become, I never cease to appreciate the strong contrast in the scenes of rice fields and shrines that appear through the car windows on a hot summer’s day. I only have to think of them for the symbols of summer to rise up in my mind. I keep thinking of new things that I want to add, but I do not want to overdo it so I think I will stop here. I wonder if they still do radio calisthenics in the park in mornings? WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255495 3194.1 かんたか kantaka 06/11/13 Revert