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255448 3195.2 カン卜ク KANTOKU 秋色遊戯 Akiiro yugi (Autumn Games) 穏やかな秋晴に誘われて外に出てみると、目に映るのは鮮やかな景色。それでいて、どことなく哀愁漂う可憐な1枚を目指しました。唐紅とのコントラス卜が日本の景色をよリ際立たせてくれる、秋が深まるにつれいつもそう思わされます。そして、色鮮やかな景色の中に落ち着いた少女。こういった双方の魅力にもまた日本らしさを感じます。 今回この絵を描くにあたり、印象的な絵を描きたいなと思い、ズームカットでピントに差を付けてみました。この手法だと、視野はとても狭くなるのですが、意識を被写体に向けさせ、周りの景色との差異を感じ取ってもらえるようになります。最近こういった手法での描き方がどんどん楽しくなつています。 Tempted outside by the clear blue autumnal skies, our eyes are filled with bright colors. However, I aimed to create an illustration imbued with a cuteness that will evoke feelings of nostalgia. The contrast of the crimson accentuates the Japanese aspect of the scenery, and this becomes more prominent as autumn progresses. I have added a relaxed, young woman to the colorful beauty of the scenery. The appeal created through the combination of these images is also typical of Japan. When drawing this illustration, I wanted to create something that would make a strong impression, so I used a shallow depth of field to put the background out of focus. This technique limits the field of view, but serves to focus attention on the main subject, differentiating between it and the background. Recently I have found I enjoy using this method more and more. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255448 3195.1 カントク kantoku 秋色遊戯 06/11/13 Revert