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255504 3210.2 小嶋ララ子 LALAKO KOJIMA 外浦海岸とフアンタジア Sotourakaigan to fantajia (Sotoura Beach and Fantasia) 伊豆半島にある外浦海岸の世界はノスタルジーにあふれています。人も、町も、草も、石段も、ただただ穏やかで美しく柔らかで、白い砂浜にエメラルドの海面はさながらファンタジーアニメのようでした。 少女たちの夏休みが目まぐるしく冒険的で、だけど少しだけ優いのは、やがて将来のことや恋愛のこと、家族のことなど、接触していかなければいけない「これからの未来」が、少女達の柔軟な無責任さをあっという間に食い尽くすとわかっているからなのでしょう。 戻リたいな、戻れないな、それを永遠に心のどこかで繰り返しながら、少女たちは海岸の上で奔放に歩いていくのです。 Sotoura beach on the Izu Peninsular is a place that is filled with nostalgia for me. Everything—the people, the town, the grass, the stone steps, the quiet, beautifully soft, white sand and the emerald blue sea, all of them resemble something from a fantasy anime. Summer vacations are hectically adventurous for young girls, but they are also a somewhat ephemeral. This may be because they are aware that thoughts of romance, of their families, their future, will rob them of their spontaneous innocence before they realize it. ‘I want to return to those days, but there is no going back'...this is something that young girls will repeat in their hearts forever, as they freely along the beach. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255504 3210.1 小嶋ララ子 kojima lalako 06/11/13 Revert