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255459 3219.2 鈴平ひろ HIRO.SUZUHIRA 輝く夜 Kagayaku yoru (Shining Night) 今回のテ一マ「ふるさと」を描くにあたり、色々と考えはしたのですが、東京生まれの東京育ちの身としては実感のこもった故郷像は思い浮かばず。代わりに日本最古といわれる物語「竹取物語」の月に還るかぐや姫をイメージの下地にして描いてみました。 単純に月という故郷へ帰っていく物語も然ることながら「竹取物語」を月からやってきた美少女の創作小説、と考えたら、現在の萌えブームにも繫がっているような気がしたからです。 そして日本人ならば誰しもが月には郷愁を感じるのではないかなと思います。 In drawing the theme for this exhibition, ‘hometown’, I thought of lots of different things, but as somebody who was born and raised in Tokyo, I have no image of a rural hometown. Instead I decided to base my picture on the story of the Tale of the Bamboo-Cutter’, which is said to be the oldest story in Japan, and which describes how a princess has to return to her home in the moon. Although it is basically a story about returning to the moon, the Tale of the Bamboo-Cutter’ can be described as novel about a beautiful young girl who came down from the moon and I felt that in this respect it had a lot in common with the current moe boom. In addition, I think that all Japanese people have nostalgic feelings about the moon. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255459 3219.1 鈴平ひろ suzuhira hiro 輝く夜 06/11/13 Revert