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255529 3249.2 ぽよよん♡ろつく Poyoyon♡Rock 銭湯娘 Sento musume (Girl in the Public Baths) 日本らしくて、日本にしか無い風景…まだ私の家の近くにはあるのですが、大きいえんとつの銭湯さん。その中にある今を代表するスカイツリー♪そして失われつつあるすく水〜過去と今のコラボレーションなのれすう〜(^-^)ノ☆ A scene that was typically Japanese and could only be seen in Japan...there is still one near my house, a public bathhouse with a tall chimney. I have included the Sky Tree, a symbol of modernity♪ and one of those school bathing costumes that are rarely seen today; past and present collaborating to create this picture (^-^)ノ☆ WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255529 3249.1 ぽよよんろっく watanabe akio 06/11/13 Revert