Post Note Body Edited By Date Options
107163 432.1 Okay...? Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107163 431.1 The only important thing is to supply the demand Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107163 430.1 There are a lot of people who like guys like him. Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107163 429.1 Yuki is just fine Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107163 428.1 ...Well Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107163 427.1 Why is Tomo, who always strifes to be the best, so soft to Yuki-Niichan? Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107163 426.1 Well, leave me alone...Stop it!! Hey, are you even listening? Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107163 425.1 Please sit still, I just want to make you look cuter Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107163 424.1 It just came to my mind... Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 423.1 doki Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 422.1 doki Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 421.1 doki Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 420.1 big sister... Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 419.1 we can call him Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 418.1 Wonder if Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 417.1 W... Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 416.1 kyun... Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 415.1 Yuki's pinch has transformed Nao Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 414.1 days Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 413.1 right? Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 412.1 Have to protect their little brothers, Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 411.1 Because I'm Yuki's big brother. Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 410.1 And big brothers... Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 409.1 Nao-kun!? Ice 12/06/09 Revert
107551 408.1 What!? Ice 12/06/09 Revert