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255913 3043.2 萌木原ふみたけ Fumitake Moekibara ウミネコは還る Umineko wa kaeru (The Black-tailed Gulls Returns) 春の訪れ。 ウミネコ達の騒がしい鳴き声が、まだ冷たい東北の海風に乗ってやってきます。 ウミネコの繁殖地として、八戸市の蕪島や陸前高田市の椿島などが有名ですが、故郷の近い私もよく訪れた場所であります。 先の震災では、津波の被害がありました。 それでもウミネコ達は例年と変わらずこの地へ帰って来ました。 荒れ果ててしまった地に、新しい命を、家族を守るウミネコ達の姿に、私は感動しました。 あれから1年、変わらない自然の営みは季節と共に巡って行きます。 The coming of spring. The shrieking of the returning black-tailed gulls is carried on the wind over northeastern sea. Kabushima Island in Hachinohe City or Tsubakishima Island in Rikuzentakata City are famous breeding grounds of the black-tailed gull and as they are close to my hometown,I often used to visit them. They were affected by the earthquake and tsunami last year. But despite this, the gulls returned again this year the same as every year. I was extremely moved to see this new life and the gulls protecting their families in the midst of the desolation. A year has passed since the disaster and nature continues its seasonal activities unchanged. (deleted) botan497 06/10/13 Revert