
bra natsu_927013 pantsu shimapan

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Apparently the name of the artist is natsu (927013). Original character named Fio. Information found on Danbooru if anyone wants an artist tag created.

Edit: Or could have followed the damn source link...
You have to use the "artist:" prefix to add a new artist (added btw)
Marona762 said:
You have to use the "artist:" prefix to add a new artist (added btw)
Good to know. Thought tag creation was more controlled...
tohsaka_fan said:
Good to know. Thought tag creation was more controlled...
If it was the case, I could not add characters tags on Megami scans when they are missing (among other examples). Actually, every registered user has a “privileged” rank, allowing them to edit or add tags in posts (but not batch editing tags for several posts at once).