
kimono kirisame_marisa kujou_ichiso touhou undressing

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This is very cute . But there is something I must say and get off my cheast I must apologize for the way I have been acting I do not have the right to cause such trouble for every one so to all of you I give my most sincere and deepest apologies thank you.
Just act responsible and mature, that's all we ask for.
aoie_emesai said:
Just act responsible and mature, that's all we ask for.
because aoie is the one who was asked for (゚∀゚)
We don't even have that tag, midzki >.< - Language/Japanese

You're so lame...
I don't know a practical reason of using favorite tags. thus I took it as a free info space.
Enumeration of your favorite artists ? It's the way I use it.
I have a ? When you guys make a comment sometimes dose it not go trough even when you think it dosent
It goes through...
A lot of your comments are very pointless so they are deleted.
TyxoC said:
Enumeration of your favorite artists ? It's the way I use it.
Same here.
VorpalNeko said:
It goes through...
A lot of your comments are very pointless so they are deleted.
Well that's not very nice T^T
Gorila67 said:
Well that's not very nice T^T
I agree.

Not everything is nice.
Most of the names in my profile (Favorite Characters / Circles / Artists / Copyrights) except my Favorite Tag List is incorrect. Those fields aren't editable, they're automatic and the reason they are incorrect because mostly I go to those fields and Add / Edit / Delete tags of those images.

Anything I favorite and love are in my Favorite Tag List since it's editable.