
bottomless madobe_nanami microsoft mukuroi os-tan

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Vista sucks too much to have a tan.
My laptop has Vista and so far it works fine to me D:

Dunno why I see this Tan and I remember Maya Iincho.
kyoushiro said:
My laptop has Vista and so far it works fine to me D:
Mine can't manage its virtual memory properly anymore. I have between 5 and 1Gb depending on when I last did a decent defrag.
My 98SE never had this problem!

It's getting replaced by christmas though.
My vista died 3 weeks ago and doesn't turn on anymore : ( evil update. I switchin to mac now : )
Win Vista makes my blood boil. It sucks incredibly.
Mine has been okay so far. I'll be getting Windows 7 soon though.
*steals 7-tan from Maya iincho*
syaoran-kun said:
Vista sucks too much to have a tan.
Does that mean Vista-tan is the basement dweller of the OS-tans?

Also, just a general heads up: I've actually heard several bad things about 7, so if you have XP you should stick with it as long as possible. Of course, if you already have Vista, you should do the exact opposite. 7 > Vista any day.

...Oh, and I think the picture is cute, which is a statement you will rarely hear from me.
I got Windows 7 and my computer has 1000 GB of space and 8 GB RAM and and everything about it is custom and awesome, and my computer itself is huge. :D