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kantoku overfiltered

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Horrible bit of photoshop work.
Some people have bad monitors... (including me.... well I can see that.... barely.... if I move my head around xD)
It lacks tags... blurry would fit perfectly.
I think blurry tag should be goes to overfiltered.
if noone disagree, I'll replace them.

and if tag overfiltered added, I'll check them by chance they are failed scanning_resolution or not.
(all scanning_resolution also have overfiltered and/or screening)
...and it is too low quality to be worth fixing it :(
midzki said:
I think blurry tag should be goes to overfiltered.
if noone disagree, I'll replace them.
Do you really think anyone would disagree with you? Death to those who do!
midzki said:
I think blurry tag should be goes to overfiltered.
if noone disagree, I'll replace them.
No point having both.
done. I'll check them individually after.
Isn't the blurry tag for blurry images and the overfiltered tag used blurry and over contrasted images?

If so, it's better to merge the "blurry" into the "overfiltered"
aoie_emesai said:
Isn't the blurry tag for blurry images and the overfiltered tag used blurry and over contrasted images?

If so, it's better to merge the "blurry" into the "overfiltered"
Um. Isn't that what Midzki just did?
hahaha ^^ I misread. My fault.
This is beyond overfiltered, can't see shit.
I don't think there is a tag that covers the problems with it. It is burry/overfiltered, but it also lacks filtering of the background mess.
The 'horrible' tag would be correct (but we don't use it)