
cleavage natsume_riu onozuka_komachi touhou wallpaper

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Another 'unnecessary use of lens flare'
Radioactive said:
Another 'unnecessary use of lens flare'
Normally I find your constant complaints towards any piece of artwork slightly annoying and yes I'm aware it's your job to complaint about art, but for once I have to agree with you. The use of lens flare was unnecessary.
Mr_GT said:
Normally I find your constant criticism towards any piece of artwork slightly annoying and yes I'm aware it's your job to criticise art, but for once I have to agree with you. The use of lens flare was unnecessary.
Fixed that for you.
Hehe. I think people with such a good sense of critic should try some drawing. You could do well, I guess.
I have no sense of imagination.
Me neither. That's why fan arts exist!

Good luck if you're ever trying. I'd like to see it.
Those who can, do. Those who can't, criticize.
Wraith said:
Those who can, do. Those who can't, criticize.
Wraith said:
Why are you getting so irritated by criticism? It's not even aimed at you.
LOL If I was irritated you'd know. And I'd probably lose my privileges in the process.
This conversation is going nowhere. If anyone wants to criticise my criticism, or just talk about criticism in general please start a thread in the forum.