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When your kid caches you in the middle of having fun...
Source's Tweet says :


노벨피아 "절대 여우신을 딸감으로 쓰지마라" 표지작업입니다!"

Google Translate claims:


This is the cover work of Novelpia "Never use a fox goddess as a daughter"!"

....I don't get it :V
Marona762 said:
Source's Tweet says :


노벨피아 "절대 여우신을 딸감으로 쓰지마라" 표지작업입니다!"

Google Translate claims:


This is the cover work of Novelpia "Never use a fox goddess as a daughter"!"

....I don't get it :V
Search the title and then you'll get it - it's indeed an illustration for the cover of a certain novel:
moonian said:
Search the title and then you'll get it - it's indeed an illustration for the cover of a certain novel:
I got that part, I was just wondering what the translation meant with "Never use a fox goddess as a daughter"