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I thought this scan was amazing, and i sorta wish it was bigger too ^^. 1800x2500 is plenty :D

One thing i've noticed about these yume scans, you can always see the girtty paper >.<
Its a moire patten caused by the screen angles of the dots that made up the printed piece.
If you have more Yume or Otome scans from the game like this, please post it ^^
Somehow DC2 arts from the game looks nicer than in the anime.
I have some Da Capo2 artbooks I've been meaning to scan, but the lack of time due to work is causing me to not to debind/scan/edit.
Paganini said:
If you have more Yume or Otome scans from the game like this, please post it ^^
Somehow DC2 arts from the game looks nicer than in the anime.
There's many yume and otome scans there for you to choose from that are non anime ^^.

@admin2 - can't wait for them ^^. My scanning program is sorta buggy at the moment, but once i get it working again, i'll post scans of the artbooks I have collected so far.