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I can only have 5 pending true posts though.
How mean!
BattlequeenYume said:
I can only have 5 pending true posts though.
How mean!
I used to have a maximum of 5.
After Checkmate recognized me as a special contributor, the limit was lifted.
Seems like I have to work harder though.
BattlequeenYume said:
Seems like I have to work harder though.
I always appreciate your posts.
I think your contributions are very high.
If I was to say it, you might want to focus your posts a bit more on good quality. I don't want you to misunderstand me, I'm not saying that the quality is low. I think some selection is necessary to raise the standard even higher. If you focus it on high value pictures, I think the administrator will recognize you.
This is what I often say, quality is more important than quantity. I don’t post many posts but I filter nice pictures. It’s a pity that I spend a lot of money every month to buy fanbox pictures, and the administrators don’t pay attention to me. I’m not sure whether Checkmate was too busy to see it or didn’t know at all. The website does not accept sponsorship, so the way I buy pictures is considered a kind of sponsorship, right?
I’m currently considering posting here , where many high-quality pictures are also reposted from here.
The reason why I didn’t post on both sites is because I used to think that the quality of the pictures uploaded here was very high. If Radioactive was still there before, there wouldn’t be a bunch of garbage pictures posted here, and I have to filter a lot of them every day. Pictures are really annoying.
whitespace1 said:
is considered a kind of sponsorship, right?
Try something that need skills (fixed, photoshop, scanning physical book).
whitespace1 said:
I’m currently considering posting here , where many high-quality pictures are also reposted from here.
I am a regular uploader here and it would be very nice to have you. The demand is very high. I must recognize there are some issues as well, such as there being an upload limit and uploads take some time to get approved, up to a week. Pending uploads also cannot be seen by anyone other than the moderators.

Whatever you decide to do, your contributions are and will be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
lacepanties said:
I am a regular uploader here and it would be very nice to have you. The demand is very high. I must recognize there are some issues as well, such as there being an upload limit and uploads take some time to get approved, up to a week. Pending uploads also cannot be seen by anyone other than the moderators.

Whatever you decide to do, your contributions are and will be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
Thank you for your affirmation, we all contribute quality HD pictures together to make the site more distinctive. I hope can stand out among all kinds of Booru and become the first choice in everyone's mind : )
whitespace1 said:
This is what I often say, quality is more important than quantity. I don’t post many posts but I filter nice pictures. It’s a pity that I spend a lot of money every month to buy fanbox pictures, and the administrators don’t pay attention to me. I’m not sure whether Checkmate was too busy to see it or didn’t know at all. The website does not accept sponsorship, so the way I buy pictures is considered a kind of sponsorship, right?
I’m currently considering posting here , where many high-quality pictures are also reposted from here.
The reason why I didn’t post on both sites is because I used to think that the quality of the pictures uploaded here was very high. If Radioactive was still there before, there wouldn’t be a bunch of garbage pictures posted here, and I have to filter a lot of them every day. Pictures are really annoying.
What should I say?
After 106376 posts (most of them are good imo), being here for years and I still have the limit of 5 pending true images. I don't have the photoshop skills like Hiro so that's the only thing I can do. Feels like the mods and admins having me as self-evident.
BattlequeenYume said:
What should I say?
After 106376 posts (most of them are good imo), being here for years and I still have the limit of 5 pending true images. I don't have the photoshop skills like Hiro so that's the only thing I can do. Feels like the mods and admins having me as self-evident.
To be honest, we collect beautiful pictures on the web and post them here is to help him collect perfect data, some early contributors post a small number of posts, so I don't think a high number of posts can be upgraded. After all, we don't run the site, maybe the admin knows you but he doesn't want to help you upgrade, don't worry about these things, real life is more important.
Everything we do is to try to leave something good for future generations to see, the past, present and future, once posted here with the footprints left by the text.
whitespace1 said:
Everything we do is to try to leave something good for future generations to see, the past, present and future, once posted here with the footprints left by the text.
Well said. :3
This is just a suggestion.
I tried to do some stats.
Number of Posts
Me 19,300+
You 102,650+
(The above excludes those being deleted or on hold)
You have posted 5 times more than me.

Also, assuming that high Vote count is a good picture
Number of Vote 100+ Posts
Me 5,300+
You 13,150+
You have more than me. certainly you post a lot of good pictures!
But please do not overdo. too much doing will make you sick.

Let's look at this as a ratio.
Percentage of Vote 100+ Posts
Me 27%
You 13%
13% is not a bad number, but the higher it is, the stronger the impression that you are posting good pictures.
If you're posting a picture that you're currently scoring 5 points or more, try 7 points or more.
If you were a little more selective about the pictures you post, you may be recognized as a contributor with good choices. I hope this will be useful to you.
I will try to be even more selective.
Let's see if it helps.
This data is obviously more favorable to NSFW pictures, the most popular every day are adult pictures.
I think good-looking and ordinary or to have a certain balance, the same thing will look long eyes aesthetic fatigue .
whitespace1 said:
This data is obviously more favorable to NSFW pictures, the most popular every day are adult pictures.
I think good-looking and ordinary or to have a certain balance, the same thing will look long eyes aesthetic fatigue .
You are right, NSFW pictures will have a higher vote. So this points should not be considered as an absolute value. In my opinion, the points should be as about twice as high for non-NSFW pictures. That is how I try to balance it.