
alice_(odin_sphere) bloomers conjaku dress odin_sphere

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Try to keep the image size above 1000x1000.
I'll try, that's the largest I can find.
VorpalNeko said:
Try to keep the image size above 1000x1000.
Sheesh does resolution really matter?
DrWafflesXD said:
Sheesh does resolution really matter?
Stupid Questions get you hit. - A Danbooru focusing on High Resolution Anime Scans, Ecchi Scans, Hentai Scans, Moe Scans, and Bishoujo Scans;
To be high res the pixel dimensions also need to be reasonably high.

Incidentally, VorpalNeko is a Mod. You were already in trouble, so you haven't helped it any.
DrWafflesXD said:
Sheesh does resolution really matter?
since you don't care about res and you like spamming comments, let me introduce you to a more suitable website for you:
Have a nice day :3
SciFi said:
Stupid Questions get you hit.
Azarel said:
Have a nice day :3
Quit being rude. And, DrWafflesXD stop commenting every image you see.
blooregardo said:
Quit being rude. And, DrWafflesXD stop commenting every image you see.
... Sorry >.<. I guess I was excited because I thought I found a nice community to talk with. I'll be cautious from now on with commenting.
DrWafflesXD said:
I thought I found a nice community to talk with.
You did, but it's not about the quantity but the quality of the comments that will get you nice or at least interesting responses back.
Atrum-Tempestas said:
I like the watercolor effect
More oil pastel I think.
Check out the other stuff by this artist - just click the yellow link :)
DrWafflesXD said:
... Sorry >.<. I guess I was excited because I thought I found a nice community to talk with. I'll be cautious from now on with commenting.
Hehe, it's ok Waffles-san. Welcome, I hope you enjoy your visit.