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chikotam kiss_x_demon_lord_x_darjeeling profile_page sanjouji_shinobu seifuku thighhighs trap

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(´・ω・`) he's so moe. Added trap tag just in case someone didn't know

My God.

He is so adorable O_O
I would've gotten fooled instantly.
*sigh* seeing trap tags on things like this makes me to beat him with a pipe..... cunning! Dam even the name had me going.
Wishmaster said:
*sigh* seeing trap tags on things like this makes me to beat him with a pipe.....
: )
Wishmaster said:
*sigh* seeing trap tags on things like this makes me to beat him with a pipe.....
I blacklisted the lot after the one that looked like it was futanari. That was one preview image I'd rather forget.
There are 7 profile scans here.
who is the highest scored? ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
hahaha ^^, now that is silly.
Do the guys ever figure out that it's a guy dressing up or what?
Traps are only possible in Anime. And since it isn't weird over there to have girls playing boys (not kids, but grown up boys), it makes it all the easier.
busaiku said:
Traps are only possible in Anime.
Aside from the fact that it has been common practice all over the world in stage productions. Though I suppose it may have gone down a bit in the last century or so.
Cross dressing is popular now, even metal artists crossdress for fun nowdays =3=
syaoran-kun said:
Cross dressing is popular now, even metal artists crossdress for fun nowdays =3=
popular...and for fun sound like you're doing the same thing.......
According to Aurelia's guide:

syaoran-kun = NEET trap
Debbie said:
According to Aurelia's guide:

syaoran-kun = NEET trap comment.........
Imagine getting humped by a guy dressed up, that's kinda scary....
As long as it's enjoyable... why care?
Err... sorry I meant crossdressing.