
lingerie yunarebun

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Okay, thanks.
Really can't trust my eyes anymore.
I ran it through and it came up 99.9% AI

post #790145 by the same artist shows up as 0% AI
post #972361 is 0.4%

I know image detectors are not 100% reliable, but sure seems suspect. Maybe AI assisted.

Whether you decide to keep it or not is still up to you.
Previous image by this artist, post #1081391, gives 97,8% positive on the detection tool Genex posted above

How reliable is that detection?

I ask because certain illustrations by some artists I have a hard time believing would be cheating with AI, are also giving quite high ratings, like post #1025590 (94.4%)(Kantoku)
It's quite hard to get an AI to draw hands, ears, and what have you while taking the rest of the image into account, so if it were AI, I would be impressed.