
bathing hatsune_miku naked tsubaki_ki vocaloid wet

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Guess she prefers showers?
shadkats said:
Guess she prefers showers?
... Or just screaming and crying. :P
The bath is leaking.
Or maybe someone took away her leek and that is why she is howling.
Very shrewd pun there, SciFi! XD

Btw, why are people typing "leak" wrong so often? Is there something I'm missing? *Checks dictionary and Wikipedia* Nope, it doesn't seem it's a new otaku term...
This ( ) maybe? Or were you just kidding around?
Well, it has a 失恋した日の風呂 tag.
Which seems to mean this is Miku's bath on the day her heart has been broken. Aw.
mef said:
Well, it has a 失恋した日の風呂 tag.
Which seems to mean this is Miku's bath on the day her heart has been broken. Aw.
Ah, that explains it. Heart touching, really. (~,_~)