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hanato_kobato ioryogi katou_hiromi kobato

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Anyone who still loves Tobako like me?
ikyo said:
Anyone who still loves Tobako like me?
you mean kobato ?
akusiapa said:
you mean kobato ?
  • Yes, obao. Her name is too complicated for me. My life was meaningless as unable to spell such a simple name.%>_<%
  • I love her not only because her name is a bird, but also her DNA hybridized Sakura and get some development.
  • The third reason of loving a Kobato is that she seems wearing white pantyhose, although her always long dress prevented people to see it often. @_@.
ikyo said:
  • I love her
Hato (鳩) :'s truly rare to see character wear white pantyhose ..... white thighhighs is more common.....