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Looks like she had a bad day.
What's up with the electricity?
Oh, she got charged up, I see. XD
Wow, man. All that electricity is going to make the rapist vibrate while doing his/her thing :D
Cloud737 said:
What's up with the electricity?
Oh, she got charged up, I see. XD
Her power is to generate electricity; she is powerful enough to cause a blackout in the city, make instant railguns by using coins as projectiles, and use electricity to magnetically attract iron particles around her into a chain-sword whip. She can also manipulate electrical objects such as networks and security systems.
Chrissues said:
Her power is to generate electricity; she is powerful enough to cause a blackout in the city, make instant railguns by using coins as projectiles, and use electricity to magnetically attract iron particles around her into a chain-sword whip. She can also manipulate electrical objects such as networks and security systems.
Interesting... *Adds to anime to watch list*

I thought she was receiving ECT
Only watched the first few of railgun myself, I got so sick of kuroko -.-
*ducks for fear of objects being thrown at him*
You have nothing to fear right now. I have a feeling most want to do harm to someone else atm.
Those who missed out baka to test or index sure missed out a lot.
Chrissues said:
Only watched the first few of railgun myself, I got so sick of kuroko -.-
*ducks for fear of objects being thrown at him*
Me too... I watched up to the 5th episode and got tired of the series. they need new material for the characters and a better story telling, I mean the events in the series seem to be so futile and shalow that it ends up beeing a bother just looking at it.
Sci watched 1-13 of Railgun in two days Xp
Now I have to wait till the 9th.