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Why did this artist even bother drawing the dude in the background if he was just going to halfass it so hard.
Scevenex said:
Why did this artist even bother drawing the dude in the background if he was just going to halfass it so hard.
I think he drew the guy exactly how he wanted and never intended to match the quality of the girl. See this a lot with background characters. No one really cares how well the guy is drawn but at least this is somewhat comical
Scevenex said:
Why did this artist even bother drawing the dude in the background if he was just going to halfass it so hard.
its a blue archive thing, the "dude" in the background is supposed to be sensei, the MC, and since the only official art we have of them is just a stick figure scribble thats what a lot of artists play around with instead of their own interpretation
iliekwaffles said:
its a blue archive thing, the "dude" in the background is supposed to be sensei, the MC, and since the only official art we have of them is just a stick figure scribble thats what a lot of artists play around with instead of their own interpretation
Why would it be the sensei, when it can be a random dude, meaning the girl is a hotwaifu or a prostitute as a hobby?
yrumddldluxduzrf said:
Why would it be the sensei, when it can be a random dude, meaning the girl is a hotwaifu or a prostitute as a hobby?
she is ushio noa (schale secretary), and the guy is sensei, artists use a draw that arona did a time ago. But well, she did a cookie too haha