
« Previous Next » This post is #17 in the Megami #279 2023-08 pool.

aquastar_inc. heels matoba_risa the_idolm@ster the_idolm@ster_cinderella_girls the_idolm@ster_cinderella_girls_u149 thighhighs uniform yuri yuuki_haru

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They are only holding their hands...
blooregardo said:
They are only holding their hands...
that's enough yuri for someone lol
blooregardo said:
They are only holding their hands...
In the way of lovers?
Well actually I wouldn't count that as yuri, especially the series is basically a little girls' show where they are not treated as girls even capable of such feelings, but whatever.
Holding hands ... yeah that's crossing the line, what's next? shooting a porn movie?
Marona762 said:
Holding hands ... yeah that's crossing the line, what's next? shooting a porn movie?
The tag is NOT just for NSFW stuff only.
I mean there's zero yuri implied these two, and tagging this as yuri is laughable, but sure.