
bekicon genderswap onii-chan_wa_oshimai! oyama_mahiro seifuku skirt_lift sweater thighhighs

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What's subpar about this?
Just my opinion. Maybe the mods think otherwise.
BattlequeenYume said:
Just my opinion. Maybe the mods think otherwise.
You're just one person on here though. I'd hate to tell the original artist their work is "subpar".
Well, Yandere has it's standarts. And I don't think it fits here. That's all.
BattlequeenYume said:
Well, Yandere has it's standarts. And I don't think it fits here. That's all.
I think it does, as there's nothing wrong with it. Maybe you just don't like genderbender art.
BattlequeenYume said:
Maybe. Let the mods decide.
If they do.
Vampire10 said:
You're just one person on here though. I'd hate to tell the original artist their work is "subpar".
A one person with 120.000+ posts tho
Marona762 said:
A one person with 120.000+ posts tho
Ok and what about it? Doesn't mean anything just because you have 120,000+ posts on here. Bragging much? There's other people on here with far more liked posts then you, but I don't see them bragging about it.
Please look closely.
Marona and I are two different people.
BattlequeenYume said:
Please look closely.
Marona and I are two different people.
That was my mistake, so yes I saw that but still, even if people have more liked posts then others doesn't mean anything. It's not a competition to see who has the most likes on here.
Matter of taste think this art style suits the older generation more
jwoog33 said:
Matter of taste think this art style suits the older generation more
There's someone out there that likes it, doesn't mean everyone will like it. The art looks good to me, so I see nothing wrong with it.
Looks fine to me too. Definitely an older art style but I wouldn't say it's a low effort artwork. Just different from what we usually see.
Vampire10 said:
Ok and what about it? Doesn't mean anything just because you have 120,000+ posts on here. Bragging much? There's other people on here with far more liked posts then you, but I don't see them bragging about it.
You can't really compare liking post and actually posting posts :X

And yes it's worth bragging for, without users like Battlequeenyume sites like this would be much less lively

That being said doesn't mean every opinion from him/her is law but I am just saying there's a different weight attached to it compared to the average user

Which is why I pointed that out since I saw you addressing him/her like just any other user with a random opinion
Marona762 said:
You can't really compare liking post and actually posting posts :X

And yes it's worth bragging for, without users like Battlequeenyume sites like this would be much less lively

That being said doesn't mean every opinion from him/her is law but I am just saying there's a different weight attached to it compared to the average user

Which is why I pointed that out since I saw you addressing him/her like just any other user with a random opinion
Ok, if you think it's some sort of achievement that he has that many posts, then good for you & him. There's probably other people on here with far more likes & I don't see them here in this comment section bragging about it. I don't have that many & you don't see me bragging about it, as no one cares how many liked posts I have & the same goes for you or anyone else on here, no matter how long or short of a time they've been on here, as it doesn't matter how many or little of likes a person has on here. I don't even see the people that have liked what I've uploaded on here bragging about their number of likes. If this was a video game high score or something like Xbox Live, ( you know, the gamer score on there for an example), then I could see people bragging about it, but not with how many posts you have on this site. It's just a number really.
Vampire10 said:
It's just a number really.
It's a number that represent the effort and contribution to the site, and it's way more relevant than the number of likes, which serve barely any utility compared to the posts themselves (after all, you can have a post with no likes but you can't have a like without a post).

Without posts there is no site

But yeah, it's just a number sure
Marona762 said:
It's a number that represent the effort and contribution to the site, and it's way more relevant than the number of likes, which serve barely any utility compared to the posts themselves (after all, you can have a post with no likes but you can't have a like without a post).

Without posts there is no site

But yeah, it's just a number sure
That's fine if people want to do that if they want whatever they like to have more uploads. No one else in the replies of this is bragging about how much they've uploaded or liked on here, as no one could honestly care about either. I don't see Dede or jwoog33 bragging about what they've uploaded or liked. It's still not an achievement by uploading a lot of fan art or anything else to this site or any other ones. It may help whatever thing on here get more uploads, but that's all it does. I've uploaded fan art from stuff that I like & it only increased the total number of uploads that thing had, like Asteroid in Love for example. I don't see why you want to continue to drag this out, when you already said that BattlequeenYume has a ton of uploads, as I read that part & understood it. Maybe just drop it? I really am not interested in continuing this talk about who has uploaded/liked more then others on here, as I don't care.
A lot of beating around the bush about post counts but I guess Marona simply meant a very long time contributor opinion here have more weight to it
jwoog33 said:
A lot of beating around the bush about post counts but I guess Marona simply meant a very long time contributor opinion here have more weight to it
Yes, thank you to put it short and clear
Okay, so, guys, gals and you who are reading this: I think that we are all people who like to watch beautiful pictures, and even if we can thank Yume to be one of the main (if not the main) uploader here, I don’t think that we should consider people’s opinion from their user statistics only.

That being said, aims to be an imageboard filled with quality pictures (and official anime artworks, its first and original goal); and as long as I love OniMai! (though I’m currently only reading the manga, I’ve not watched the anime yet) and I like this fanart enough to have saved it on my personal collection, I’m not really convinced myself that it matches’s quality standards, being a subpar or not. It could be more at its place on Dan/Gel/Safebooru, which are less strict about posts visual quality.
I'm even feeling kinda guilty now for flagging this post and started the discussion...
I only wanted that a mod have a second look at this post.
I mean if people don't like genderbent/genderswapped characters, they can always black list the tag. I wasn't trying to argue with anyone on this comment section, but I agree with Trit's "I don’t think that we should consider people’s opinion from their user statistics only." Everyone has different opinions, what they're into/what they like on here or elsewhere & that's all good. Not everyone will like the same thing & that's alright too. I really don't want to be on bad terms with anyone on here, just letting whoever reads this know.
Vampire10 said:
I mean if people don't like genderbent/genderswapped characters, they can always black list the tag. I wasn't trying to argue with anyone on this comment section, but I agree with Trit's "I don’t think that we should consider people’s opinion from their user statistics only." Everyone has different opinions, what they're into/what they like on here or elsewhere & that's all good. Not everyone will like the same thing & that's alright too. I really don't want to be on bad terms with anyone on here, just letting whoever reads this know.
This isnt about liking or disliking genderbent characters. The art itself is not that great. It is clean, but very simple and in an old art style when the source is not. I agree that it looks out of place, and that opinion has nothing to do with the character's bio. No one here has made the argument it is bad because the character is genderbent, you are the one that keeps bringing that up randomly.
Scevenex said:
This isnt about liking or disliking genderbent characters. The art itself is not that great. It is clean, but very simple and in an old art style when the source is not. I agree that it looks out of place, and that opinion has nothing to do with the character's bio. No one here has made the argument it is bad because the character is genderbent, you are the one that keeps bringing that up randomly.
I brought it up as I uploaded another Onimai fan art by the same artist yesterday & BattlequeenYume never flagged it as "subpar", aka this one here: He/she should have also flagged it to, as to me it looks odd to only flag this one & not that one if BattlequeenYume didn't like genderbent characters. I also thought that this talk was over, but I guess someone else wanted to keep it going, go figure. 🙄
Being this offended by someone thinking your upload isn't of good quality, is honestly fun to me
Deadhunt said:
Being this offended by someone thinking your upload isn't of good quality, is honestly fun to me
I'm not offended. I originally asked what was supposedly "subpar" about this. The only thing was said was about the art style. All I said was that I don't see anything wrong with it, even Dede above said the same thing. I even said above that the other Onimai fan art that I uploaded wasn't flagged by BattlequeenYume, which it should have been, as why would he/she only flag this one & not the one I linked above? A bit suspicious if you ask me & no one has given me an answer as to why BattlequeenYume flagged this post of mine & not the one I link above Yes, everyone is going to have different opinions & likes, so that's understandable I just thought maybe BattlequeenYume flagged it as he/she didn't like genderbent stuff, as to in a way try to troll or something. I guess this post is good for attracting you type of people, so I'll know who you all are.

The others above have seemed to dropped it, (and I thank them for dropping it), but now you're just trying to continue this. Again, I really have no interest on starting arguments on here with random people, but I'm sure there has to be someone else on here that does enjoy such things, but I'm not them.
Vampire10 said:
Ok and what about it? Doesn't mean anything just because you have 120,000+ posts on here. Bragging much? There's other people on here with far more liked posts then you, but I don't see them bragging about it.
and that person is me. haha
Osvaldo_Takasaki said:
and that person is me. haha
Good for you. 👏🏻
Akiiva said:
They didn't brag about it. It was another person (Marona762) who brought it up, and you have already acknowledged that.

Makes sense to bring it up, too, as posts can be seen as a stand-in for experience with the standards of the site. Doesn't make them correct by default, but it does have merit.
I already saw that Marona brought it up. I honestly don't care how many likes or uploads anyone has on here, as I'm not interested to know. I thought that this talk was already over, so there's no reason to mention anything that's already happened & has been over for almost a day now.