
angel animal_ears bikini blue_archive cleavage feet kirifuji_nagisa misono_mika swimsuits synn032 tail wallpaper wet wings yurizono_seia

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If only a coffeespoonful of attention to water droplets and splashes is provided, it begs the question of "how we got here". More things should have water on them.
And when I realize the girl on the left is visible through the semi-transparent ball, I question her legs thickeness disparity and I can't visualize the agreeable line along which her back should run.
yrumddldluxduzrf said:
If only a coffeespoonful of attention to water droplets and splashes is provided, it begs the question of "how we got here". More things should have water on them.
And when I realize the girl on the left is visible through the semi-transparent ball, I question her legs thickeness disparity and I can't visualize the agreeable line along which her back should run.
You always make minor (or totally insignificant or nonexistent) errors sound like such a huge deal. The bit about water droplets doesn't even make sense.
If the things pointed out in my terminologically-struggling comments are always minor and never about a trait of a majorly deficient artwork, that will be a letdown. Felt the other way for me.
Constructive criticism is always helpful to artists though (provided they care or can find it) and I know many would appreciate it.