
dress headphones monochrome one_piece one_piece_film:_red uta_(one_piece) wings yotsumi_shiro

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why monochrome tag when there is 3 colors in it it dose not make it monochrome (black and white)
charunetra said:
why monochrome tag when there is 3 colors in it it dose not make it monochrome (black and white)
Hence the "predominantly" word in the tag description. One of the dwindling number of tags remaining that works in spirit, not in literary sense of the word. Take a monochrome (which is defined more widely than "black and white" anyway), add a splash of a color, or paint a single detail, it becomes a monochrome with a color accent.
If the moderators have a problem with a tag they'll change it. Which leads me to believe "monochrome" is close enough or it would have been changed.